Courses covering the theory and practice of applied rhetoric including Argumentation and Critical Questions, Public Speaking, Debate and other formats of competitive rhetorical and dialectical training
Classes taught:
Public Speaking - Northeastern University [Details]
Social Movements Communication
- Northeastern University
Kunstvoll Streiten: Disputation
[Dialectical Skills Training: Modern Disputation] - University of Tübingen
Systematik der rhetorischen Übungslehre
[Systematics of Rhetorical Training] - University of Tübingen
Probleme der Gesprächstrainerausbildung
[Challenges in the Education of Dialogue Trainers] - University of Tübingen
Probleme der Rhetoriktrainerausbildung
[Challenges in the Education of Speech Trainers] - University of Tübingen
Rhetorik und Debatte
[Rhetoric and Debate] - Furtwangen University
Rhetorik, Argumentation und Debatte
[Rhetoric, Argumentation and Debate] - University of Halle
Agonale Rhetorik
[Competitive Rhetoric] - Leuphana University of Lüneburg