Classical Rhetoric

Classical rhetorical theory with a special emphasis on argumentative structures and juridical rhetoric: Works in this field include large research articles on Classical Stasis theory, Logos in Greek rhetoric and a variety of other topics for the Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric and the Handbook of Linguistics and Communication Science. Current projects involve research on the Freedom of Speech in classical rhetoric and selected concepts in Aristotelian argumentation theory as well as the work on the new edition of A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric.

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Freedom of Speech [Published as: Redefreiheit]. 
In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 10. Berlin et al: De Gruyter 2012. 1021-1029.

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 10. Berlin: De Gruyter 2012. pp. 1-3.


Genera Causarum and the burden of proof. 
In: Cogency, Journal of Reasoning and Argumentation 3, 1 (2011). pp. 33-50.


In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 9. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 2009. pp. 1189-1194. Co-authored with Markus Herrmann


The Rhetoric of Reason: Theory of Proof and Argumentation [Published as: Rhetorik des Verstandes (Beweis- und Argumentationslehre)]. 
In: Handbuch der Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (HSK 31.1). Rhetorik und Stilistik. [Handbook of Linguistics and Communication Science. Rhetoric and Stylistics]. Ed. by Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt & Joachim Knape. Vol. I. Berlin et al: de Gruyter 2008. pp. 630-645.


Stasis Theory [Published as: Statuslehre]. 
In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 8. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 2007. pp. 1327-1358.


The Right to Speak [Published as: Rederecht]. 
In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 7. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer2005. pp. 837-845. Co-authored with Ansgar Kemmann
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Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR)

Montreal (Canada) 2009 – Objections in Aristotelian Argumentation theory

Strasbourg (France) 2007 – Revisiting the Aristotelian Enthymeme

Los Angeles (USA) 2005 – Cicero´s stasis theorie(s) from a modern perspective

Biennial Wake Forest University Argumentation Conference

Winston-Salem (USA) 2010 – Genera causarum and the burden of proof

Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA)

Boston (USA) 2005 – Old medicines for new patients – Revisiting Stasis theory
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