
A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric.           |book|     |english|

Co-authored with James J. Murphy, Richard A. Katula, 4th ed. Mahwah et al.: Lawrence Erlbaum. 
Expected time of publication Spring 2013.
Freedom of Speech [Published as: Redefreiheit].           |encyclopedia article|     |german|

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 10. Berlin et al: De Gruyter 2012. 1021-1029.
Competitive Debate [Published as: Debattierwettkampf].           |encyclopedia article|     |german|

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 10. Berlin et al: De Gruyter 2012. 197-204.
Adoxon.           |encyclopedia article|     |german|

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric].  Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 10. Berlin: De Gruyter 2012. pp. 1-3.
Review of Harald Wohlrapp’s ‘Der Begriff des Arguments’.           |book review|     |english|

In: Argumentation 26, 2 (2012). pp. 297-304.
Argumentative Competence. [Published as: Schlüsselkompetenz Argumentation].           |book|      |german|

Co-authored with Markus Herrmann, Jasmin Taraman & Karsten Stölzgen. Paderborn: UTB-Schöningh 2011. 

2nd, revised edition forthcoming, Fall 2012.
Genera Causarum and the burden of proof.           |journal article|      |english|

In: Cogency, Journal of Reasoning and Argumentation 3, 1 (2011). pp. 33-50.
Correlation and Causality.           |conference paper|      |english|

In: Argumentation: Cognition and Community. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA). Ed. By Frank Zenker. Windsor, ON 2011. CD-ROM.
Reply to Robert Ennis.           |reply paper|      |english|

In: Argumentation: Cognition and Community. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA). Ed. By Frank Zenker. Windsor, ON 2011. CD-ROM.
On the fallaciousness of the argumentum ad baculum.           |conference paper|      |english|

In: Proceedings of the sixth ISSA Conference on Argumentation. Ed. by Frans H. van Eemeren et al. Amsterdam: SicSat 2011. pp. 814-823.
Voluntas.           |encyclopedia article|      |german|

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 9. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 2009. pp. 1189-1194. Co-authored with Markus Herrmann.
Stasis Theory as a Principle of Economy in Dialogue 
[Published as: Stasislehre als persuasives Ökonomieprinzip im Gespräch].           |book chapter|      |german|

In: Rhetorik im Gespräch. Ed. by Joachim Knape. Berlin: Weidler 2009. pp. 219-230.
The Rule of Similarity as Intercultural Basis of Defeasible Argumentation.         |conference paper|      |english|

 In: Argument Cultures: Proceedings of OSSA 09. Ed. by J. Ritola. Windsor, ON 2009. CD-ROM.
Commentary on Cristian Santibáñez Yáñez’s “Relevance, Argumentation and Presentational Devices”.          |reply paper|      |english|

In: Argument Cultures: Proceedings of OSSA 09. Ed. by J. Ritola. Windsor, ON 2009. CD-ROM.
Argumentative Defense: Foundations for a Modern Theory of Stasis 
[Published as: Argumentative Verteidigung. Grundlegung zu einer modernen Statuslehre].           |book|      |german|

Berlin: Weidler Verlag 2008.
The Rhetoric of Reason: Theory of Proof and Argumentation 
[Published as: Rhetorik des Verstandes (Beweis- und Argumentationslehre)].           |book chapter|      |german|

In: Handbuch der Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (HSK 31.1). Rhetorik und Stilistik. [Handbook of Linguistics and Communication Science. Rhetoric and Stylistics]. Ed. by Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt & Joachim Knape. Vol. I. Berlin et al: de Gruyter 2008. pp. 630-645.
Pragmatic Aspects of Communication: Politeness and Ritualization 
[Published as: Pragmatische Aspekte der Kommunikation: Höflichkeit und Ritualisierung].    |book chapter|  |german|

In: Handbuch der Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (HSK 31.1). Rhetorik und Stilistik. [Handbook of Linguistics and Communication Science. Rhetoric and Stylistics]. Ed. by Ulla Fix, Andreas Gardt & Joachim Knape. Vol. I. Berlin et al: de Gruyter 2008. pp. 826-836.
Evaluation of Rhetorical Training 
[Published as: Evaluation von rhetorischem Training].           |conference paper|      |german|

Co-authored with Tim-C. Bartsch & Bernd Rex. In: Rhetorische Wissenschaft: Rede und Argumentation in Theorie und Praxis. Ed. by Günther Kreuzbauer et al. Salzburg: Lit 2008.
The Role of Disputation in Modern Education.           |conference paper|      |english|

In: Paideia: Education in the Global Era. Vol. 1. Ed. by Konstantine Boudouris & Mikonja Knezevic. Athens: Ionia Publications 2008. pp. 88-94.
Combining Parliament and Public: The Open Parliamentary Debate.           |conference paper|      |english|

In: Frontiers of the 21st Century: Argumentation, Debate and the Struggle for a Civil Society. Ed. by Alfred C. Snider. New York: IDEA press 2008. pp. 173-186.
Stasis Theory [Published as: Statuslehre].           |encyclopedia article|      |german|

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 8. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 2007. pp. 1327-1358.
Dialectical Ideal and Dialectical Training.           |conference paper|      |english|

In: Proceedings of the fifth ISSA Conference on Argumentation. Ed. by Frans H. van Eemeren et al. Amsterdam: SicSat 2007. pp. 639-644.
Decision theory in John Rawls ‘A Theory of Justice’.           |conference paper|      |english|

In: Values and Justice in the Global Era. Ed. by. Konstantine Boudouris. Athens: Ionia Publications 2007. pp. 74-90.
Handbook of Rhetorical Training 
[Published as: Trainingsbuch Rhetorik].           |book|      |german|

Co-authored with Tim-C. Bartsch, Bernd Rex & Markus Vergeest. Paderborn: UTB-Schöningh 2005. 

2nd, revised edition 2008.
3rd, revised edition forthcoming, Fall 2012.
What is Debate? An International Survey 
[Published as: Was ist Debatte? Ein internationaler Überblick].           |book|      |german|

Co-authored with Tim-C. Bartsch & Bernd Rex. Göttingen: Cuvillier 2005.
The Right to Speak [Published as: Rederecht].           |encyclopedia article|      |german|

In: Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric]. Ed. by Gert Ueding. Vol. 7. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer 2005. pp. 837-845. Co-authored with Ansgar Kemmann
Rhetorical Training: Between Agonistics and Realism 
[Published as: Rhetorisches Training – Zwischen Agonalität und Realismus].           |book chapter|      |german|

In: Der Macht die Worte. Ed. by Rouven Soudry. Bremen: Rolf Schmidt 2004. pp. 147-157. 

Re-published in: Rhetorik. Eine interdisziplinäre Einführung in die rhetorische Praxis. Ed. by Rouven Soudry. Heidelberg: Müller 2006. pp. 189-195.
Handbook of the Open Parliamentary Debate 
[Published as: Handbuch der Offenen Parlamentarischen Debatte].          |edited book|      |german|

1st to 3rd ed. co-edited with Bernd Rex; 4th ed. co-edited with Bernd Rex & Tim-C. Bartsch. Göttingen: Cuvillier. 

2nd, extenden and revised edition 2003.
3rd, extended and revised edition 2004.
4th, extended and revised edition 2006.